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Kubernetes Deployment

This guide explains how to deploy Governify-Bluejay in a Kubernetes Cluster using HELM Charts.


  • Kubernetes cluster with HELM installed
  • A domain with the ability to modify DNS records.
  • Ports 80, 443 open for the cluster.

Infrastructure setup​

1. Create Namespace

$    kubectl create namespace governify-bluejay

2. Install Contour

$    kubectl apply -f

3. Wait a few minutes and get the Load Balancer IP Address

$    (kubectl get -n projectcontour service envoy -o json) | jq -r '.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip'

4. Install CertManager

$    kubectl apply -f

5. Create a values.yaml file with the following content

node_env: production
gov_infrastructure: http://bluejay-assets-manager/api/v1/public/infrastructure.yaml
services_prefix: .<infrastructure-prefix>
dns_suffix: .<your-DNS-zone>
login_user: governify-admin
login_password: governify-project

private_key: somerandomkey

6. Install charts

$    helm repo add governify
$ helm repo update
$ helm install -f values.yaml bluejay governify/Governify-Bluejay

More information about the configuration options available for Governify-Bluejay HELM chart can be found at our HELM Charts repository.